Our culture is our most important investment in the company's future. It's what helps us remain successful in an ever-changing world.

Together we seek out new ways of working more effectively together, using the knowledge we gain as we grow, we’ll continue updating our Culture Code.

Core Values

Our culture is our most important investment in the company's future. It's what helps us remain successful in an ever-changing world. Together we seek out new ways of working more effectively together, using the knowledge we gain as we grow, we’ll continue updating our Culture Code.




Coming up with overarching values is easy — it's much more difficult to follow them every day. We want all of our employees to help each other follow these values and embody the qualities described in them.

Quality and Innovations

We believe that the company grows when its employees do. That's why we create an environment that fosters employee development.

We see feedback as an essential part of our communication and how we work together. We give feedback as soon as there's a need for it, and we are honest with that feedback regardless of roles and positions. We support openness and honesty — everyone should feel comfortable speaking their mind.

People are more important than processes

We believe that people are more important than processes. Our goal is to inspire people, not to manage them. We want our employees to be independent, to be able to make their own mistakes and fix them.

Distributed Leadership

The company is growing, and as the number of tasks increases, bottlenecks appear at the points where individuals need to approve every decision. We view this as an ineffective approach and believe that our company should have many leaders, which is why we distribute leadership and supervision among all of the company's employees. It's more important to create a system in which people can make sound decisions independently, without involving their managers.